Rancher For HD2
Allen Slagle
Standing For Liberty
Allen Slagle
Allen Slagle
Lifelong Wyomingite
Allen Slagle
Father Of Nine
Rancher For HD2
Standing For Liberty
Lifelong Wyomingite
Father Of Nine
God First:
My Christian faith steers my decision making.
All life is valuable, from conception to natural death.
Pro-Traditional Family:
The best environment for children is the established family unit.
Constitutional Authority:
The Constitution should be the foundation of any law.
Private Property Rights:
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness hinge on personal property rights and they must be defended.
Right to Bear Arms:
Without 2nd Amendment rights, tyranny reigns.
Ride for the Brand:
I believe the principles set forth in the Wyoming Republican Party Platform
Limited Government:
I believe we need to return to a smaller, more fiscally responsible government that looks more like the original idea that the founders had for our country and state.
During the session I voted time and again to decrease spending and to stop the growing government.
Election Integrity:
The Wyoming Legislature needs to enact laws protecting our constitutional right to Vote through fair and honest elections.
The State government spends way too much money and I believe we need to slow down our spending and return to a Cash Based Budget.
Representative Republic:
The founders set us up as a Representative Republic so that even the smallest community has a voice.
I will continue to fight for more representation for our rural areas
I believe we need to right-size the government instead of redistributing our money through taxation.
I voted numerous times this session for property tax reform that would have helped our communities; however, while those failed, I will never stop trying to bring real relief.
Out of Control Mandates:
Our Individual medical freedoms should not be dictated by the state or federal governments.
I Live and work on my ranch in Southwestern Weston and Northwestern Niobrara Counties on the Cheyenne River with my wife and kids.
Events Around Our Area that I Will Be Attending
If you have any questions feel free to call me.
Phone # (307) 306-7384 Email: